Earthquake Relief - Cocobolo Maghribi Disc

Earthquake Relief - Cocobolo Maghribi Disc


We will be donating 100% of sales proceeds of these products to earthquake relief in Turkiye and Syria. Please help us in this effort.

Cocobolo Maghribi Disc. The Maghribi range has full, wheel-shaped disc beads around 14mm in diameter. We have experimented with the geometry of the disc shape and this one seems to be the best yet. The beads almost flow through your fingers by themselves! The Beads have a 7mm width at the hole and a balanced taper towards the rim making ample room for the fingers to move them along. Strung with 100 beads, 3 markers and a 10 bead counter on top.

Approximate length from top of Alif to bottom marker: 44 cm.